Revenue streams beyond sponsorship and grants

Revenue streams beyond sponsorship and grants.png

If your event is dependent on grants and sponsorship then its potential and lifespan is limited.

This doesn't suggest that all events should be completely commercial, but they do need to have robust budgets and income streams beyond sponsorship and grants to ensure that they are viable into the future.

In this master class we explore the fundamentals of event finances, and discuss revenue streams and opportunities for events to become self-sustaining and commercially viable.

Master Class participants will receive a complimentary copy of our Budget Template and Pathway to Sustainability Model (RRP $99) to assist them in developing their budget


Learn more

Read about How to develop new income streams for your event – a step by step guide

Listen to this podcast on event finance – your pathway to financial sustainability!

Master event finances in this on-demand online training module: Event Finance – Show me the money!

Linda TillmanComment