Strategic business planning for future success

Strategic business planning for future success.png

Master Class "Strategic Business Planning for Future Success" is all about planning out the road ahead for your event.

Having a clear direction and understanding of where you want to see your event in 3+ years is a big ask for many event committees, but if you want to grow (or even just remain viable) you need to go through this process.

Events looking to access funding will require a practical and clear strategic plan in place to support their funding applications. Funding bodies favour events who show a clear direction and a planned out roadmap for their future.

This Master Class will also help your event committee to remain focused and give you the tools to support your team towards a clear common goal… that is, ensuring your event is successful this year.

In this master class we will take you through the process of identifying what it is that sets you apart from other events and support you in setting a clear vision and achievable and measurable goals for the road ahead.

By the end you will have the core elements of your strategic event roadmap and a very clear idea of what your event will look like in three years (and how to get there). You're flying blind without it!

Master Class participants will receive a complimentary copy of our Event Strategic Plan Template (RRP $49) to assist them in developing their strategic plan.


Learn more

Learn more about strategic planning for events in this on-demand online training module: Strategic Planning - Looking Forward

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