Free media: Big PR ideas for smaller festivals and events

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Working with media and public relations have evolved over the years (thanks, Zuckerberg!). In addition to traditional forms of media such as radio and TV, we now have digital influencers, social media ambassadors and paid advocates for brands. 

Whilst it can be quite overwhelming, working with media is still one of the most effective ways to promote an event (if it is done well).

 In this Master Class guest presenter Anna Hayward will take you through 5 basic steps in how to gain more results for your event with free media.

  1. Plan – create your PR plan and identify key times where PR activity should be focused. 

  2. Get connected – making media contacts and establishing a database 

  3. Uncover the stories – how to find your unique stories to sell your festival 

  4. Writing tips – how to make your information newsworthy 

  5. Share your success - post-event PR

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Guest Presenter: Anna Hayward

Anna Hayward is a freelance media manager who has some impressive runs on the board, including regularly securing over $1 million dollars of media attention for her tourism clients - without paying for it.

Free template

A media database template will be provided to participants (normally $29)

Learn more

Read Anna’s tips on how to do PR for your event effectively

Read about how to tell the story of your event

Listen to Talking event marketing with Birdsville's Big Red Bash

Master event marketing in this on-demand online event management training module: Results-driven marketing success

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