Creating an efficient team structure without losing the fun

Creating an efficient team structure without losing the fun.png

Does your committee have a clear structure?

Does everyone on the committee know their primary role within the team?

The most effective event committees operate like a business with clearly defined position descriptions. Without this your team is flying blind and your most likely experiencing peak volunteer burnout and drop off rates.

In this master class we explore a recommended event committee team structure, in which members of the team have shared responsibility for a common goal but work independently toward achieving their own components. A structure where everyone feels part of a team, a team that knows how to have fun whilst achieving success.


Learn more

Download DIY event team templates
Learn about attracting and retaining event volunteers in this blog article
…and in this podcast: Talking volunteer management with Woodford Folk Festival
Master volunteer management in this on-demand online training module: Event teams: empowering your people

Linda TillmanComment